Michelle Obama’s Book Tour is Not What It Looks Like

Michelle Obama’s Book Tour is Not What It Looks Like

Well, it’s that time of the year again. Time to throw out all the conspiracy theories that Michelle Obama is running for president. I know back in 2020, that was something President Trump was actually really worried about, and one of the reasons that he went “easy” on Biden and his mental health. He didn’t want the Dems to yank Bumbling Joe off the ticket and replace him with powerhouse Michelle Obama, because like her or not, you can’t deny that she’s popular with the left.

And one amazing writer over at American Thinker thinks he’s figured out Michelle Obama’s gameplay.

Joel Gilbert over at American Thinker is a Michelle Obama expert, and he’s convinced that she’s running in 2024, and this new book launch is her first step into the arena. His new piece discusses how Michelle is throwing her hat into the 2024 ring.

Don’t be fooled. In the promotional interviews for her new book, The Light We Carry, Michelle Obama insists that the book is simply her personal “toolkit” about how she deals with the challenges of “uncertain times.” No, The Light We Carry is not a self-help book. It is Michelle’s crafty attempt to position herself to be the Democrat nominee for president in 2024. In fact, it is Michelle’s second autobiography, a follow up to her wildly successful 2018 memoir, Becoming. As it would have been awkward for Michelle to write a second self-promotional autobiography entitled “Becoming Part II,” the new book is released under the ruse of a self-help guide.


To kick off the book tour, Michelle Obama appeared right after the midterm election on the ABC news show 20/20, where she was interviewed by Obama superfan Robin Roberts.

The one hour interview was nothing short of a 2024 presidential campaign advertisement, hitting all the necessary buttons — personal, pop culture, and political. The interview was conducted at the Obama’s huge empty home in Chicago, in which the Obamas haven’t lived since 2008. The Obamas now live in a ritzy Washington D.C. suburb when not at their $12 million home in Martha’s Vineyard, the ultimate status symbol of the liberal elite. The oceanfront mansion, as well as the one under construction in Hawaii are a thumb in the eye to the rising-sea-level activists.

Then the interview is all political. Roberts asks, “are you concerned about political anger and violence?” She answers faithfully, “We have to stay high even when it’s hard.” Roberts then prompts Michelle with, “What is your message to people struggling?” to which the polished politician answers, “Keep the bigger picture in mind, keep pushing forward.” To appeal to older women voters, Michelle claims she learned to knit from watching YouTube videos and details it as therapeutic; she then shows off two sweaters in progress.

In wrapping up, Michelle aims for the younger minority voting demographic. Three teenage non-White female superfans of Michelle — two Black and one Hispanic — are invited to a surprise meeting with Michelle. They cry and tell Michelle how much she helped them through tough times due to their reading of Becoming. Michelle hugs them and tells them she is proud of them. One girl tells Michelle she was inspired by her story of being racially profiled by her high school counselor regarding her Princeton University application. (It was phony: the counselor who “profiled” her was a Black woman!)


Michelle has for years been faithfully following Barack Obama’s successful formula to launch her 2024 campaign for president. Much like Barack’s “Project Vote”, Michelle founded a voter registration organization called “When We All Vote.” Michelle was the keynote speaker at the 2020 convention for the Democrat nominee, Joe Biden, as was Barack for John Kerry in 2004. Finally and most importantly, Michelle mirrored Barack’s blueprint of basing his candidacy on his personal story, his best-selling book Dreams from My Father, with Becoming.

Joel has been steadfast in his belief that Michelle Obama will absolutely run for president in 2024.

I don’t know if she’d run for president, but I could see her as “veep” to somebody like Gavin Newsom.

I encourage you to read the entire piece. It’s fascinating. You can find it here

What do you think? Do you think Michelle is going to run?

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