Helping clients overcome alcohol dependance or drug addiction is a critical aspect of any attorney defending DWI cases. On today’s podcast, Alan Eargle talks with Jake about some of the available technology that can be used in addressing addiction as well as the software developments coming down the pike that will impact society, and specifically the world of criminal defense lawyers. Alan is the CEO of Corrisoft, a technology company that focuses on helping individuals overcome addiction. If you want to stay on the cutting edge of the technology available to those facing alcohol and drug related offenses, this episode is for you.


Learn what Corrisoft is doing to break the cycle of recidivism by empowering and supporting individuals on probation.


Discover more cost-effective means of proving your client’s sobriety than a continuous alcohol monitor.


Hear Alan discuss the Department of Transportation requirements coming down the road that will reduce driving while impaired.


Uncover how Corrisoft uses education in supporting individuals who are trying to overcome substance use disorders.

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