Who Dat? – T – Ken Rudin’s Political Junkie

Did somebody say it was “T” time?
As our fellow political junkies know, for some time now we’ve been showing photos of unknown buttons, arranged alphabetically by candidate names, for you to help identify. We can’t make heads or tails of these candidates, most of whom we’ve never heard of. And when we see a “Smith for Congress” or a “Jones for Senator” button, how do we know which Smith or which Jones? So we’ve been posting pictures of these buttons, hoping you will have the answer. Often, you have come through, which is most appreciated.
Thus far, we’ve completed the first 18 letters of the alphabet. (Check out our previous “Who Dats”: Unknowns beginning with the Letter A, Letter B, two pages for Letter C (here and here), Letter D, Letter E, Letter F, Letter G, Letter H, Letter I, Letter J, Letter K, Letter L, Letter M, Letter N, Letter O, Letter P, Letter R and to parts for Letter S (here and here). Let the record show we don’t have enough unknown Q candidates to list. We even have one showing of buttons with pictures only — no names. That’s even harder to decipher.
It’s now time for T. Any idea on who these T candidates R? Thanks!
Note: I don’t believe the “Bill Thomas” in the first row is for the California congressman, but I could be wrong. The foxed “Re-elect Thomas U.S. Senator” in the second line is from Utah, Oklahoma or Idaho. But which one?