Speaker Robin Vos Announces His Meet With Jan 6th Committee

Speaker Robin Vos Announces His Meet With Jan 6th Committee

Robin Vos

The fact that the House select committee looking into the 6th January 2021 uprising spoke on Wednesday with Robin Vos, Wisconsin Assembly Speaker is a sign that the group is curious to learn more about possible attempts that Donald Trump had made to rig the 2020 election even after Joe Biden, the current President assumed office.

On Wednesday night, Vos announced in a statement that he had met with the 6th January Committee Hearing after earlier obtaining a decree for his testimony. He stated that he had no involvement in the activities on 6th January 2021. He had a brief discussion with the Select Panel and provided them with information about the presidential election 2020 in Wisconsin.

Panel Interrogates Robin Vos On His Interaction With Donald Trump

In September, the Republican lawmaker sued the panel in an effort to overturn the subpoena for Robin Vos’ affirmation, and the interview was conducted shortly after.

Vos claimed in the lawsuit that the panel planned to interrogate him regarding a July discussion he underwent with Donald Trump, former President, in which Trump suggested Speaker Vos take further actions following the state court’s decision to prohibit the use of some absentee ballot drop boxes. In the waning days of his reelection campaign, the House strongly insists Vos attend a deposition to provide answers to questions extraneous to the Committee’s inquiry, with no virtual warning, according to his lawsuit. 

Vos attempted to legally contest the legitimacy of the House committee and said the subpoena sought to impinge on Vos’ legislative immunity in court proceedings.

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